**The Narumi Renderer** ![
An exotic car with ~2 million triangles and a variety of materials such as body panel, glass windshield, and tire/rim. Simple Reinhard tone mapping applied.
](images/gallery/pngs/fancy-car-unified.png) The Narumi renderer is an offline physically based renderer for research and self-education purpose. Narumi was created almost completely from scratch (except for the building blocks of asset loading). Currently it covers a relatively basic set of features. However, once the foundation has been laid, I should be ready to implement a lot of more advanced techniques. Integration with the recent real-time raytracing technologies is also on the roadmap. Current Feature Set =============================================================================== Notes =============================================================================== Future Roadmap =============================================================================== Gallery =============================================================================== Above and below are some images rendered by Narumi demonstrating different features. Hopefully the gallery will keep growing ;) Asset sources:
A marble sculpture head featuring subsurface scattering ([See more](blog-sss.html))
Glass bunnies filled with different media. Left/middle/right: forward/isotropic/back-scattering
Foggy Cornell Box
A grid of instanced knobs rendered with shallow depth of field
White matte surface
Textured surface
Perfect mirror surface
Glass outside and perfect mirror inside
Rusted iron surface with mixed roughness and metalness
Streaked rough metal surface
Anisotropic brushed metal surface (in U direction)
Anisotropic brushed metal surface (in V direction)
Frost glass outside and mirror inside
Bumpy paved stone surface
Original Cornell Box
Modified Cornell Box